Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rock Band 3 Accessories And Software Re-Release For Holiday Season

Today, MadCatz and Harmonix Music Systems Inc. arranged to re-release the music video game Rock Band 3 for the up and coming holiday. 

MadCatz plans to bundle the following with the software release:
  • Wireless Keyboard Controller
  • Wireless Fender
  • Stratocaster
  • Guitar Controller and Wireless Fender Mustang
  • PRO-Guitar Controller  

Staff and employees at MadCatz are extremely excited to be working closely with Harmonix Music Systems Inc, as Rock Band is the one of the best interactive experiences for any fan of music. 


Opening of New Age Arcade In Chicagoland Area

Madcatz recently announced the opening of the Revelations Arcade Center located in the south surburban Chicagoland area of Lansing. This Arcade Center will be the first of a dying breed, as Madcatz seeks bring new flavor to the video gamers in the Midwest area.

It features:
  • Over 45 arcade gaming stations
  • 15 PS3 and Xbox 360  consoles
  • 30 27-inched flats screen to go along with the consoles
  • Two full screen projectors for tournament play
  • Laser Tag

The building is extremely massive. It has a sleek yet brillant look as well as very laid back feel. It is sure to attract many different gamers from all walks of life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Madcatz Announced Official Fightstick Sponsor For Evolution Tournament 2011

Today Madcatz Interactive Inc. announced its sponsorship of Evolution Tournament 2011. Three players from Team Madcatz are to participate in this tournament and will have access Madcatz exclusive gear and carrying cases.

President of Madcatz Interactive Inc. Darren Ricardson is extremely excited to have their fighting game players competing on such a big stage.

Members participating includes:
  •  Daigo “The Beast” Umehara
  •  Ryan ‘Prodigal Son’ Hart
  •  DMG Carl "Perfect Legend" White

Evolution 2011 will be Aug 15th- Aug 19th

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Enhance The PC Experience With Cyborg R.A.T 5 Gaming Mouse

Raise the bar on your PC gaming experience by using a truly groundbreaking mouse! The Cyborg R.A.T 5 Gaming Mouse adjustability allow for the perfect setup for the hardcore gamers. It will be available for both Mac and PC. Madcatz has completely redefined the gaming mouse
  • Precision aiming
  • Adjusting Hand Length
  • Five Programmable Buttons
  • Lightweight Chassis
  • Customizable weight settings


Street Fighter X Tekken Arcade "Fight" Stick Release!!

Attention all fighting games enthusiasts!! In order to commemorate the release of the Capcom's new Street Fighter X Tekken, Madcatz has released a new Street Fighter X Tekken themed fightstick. The Street Fighter X Tekken Fightstick will be bringing the arcade experience home to Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles.

  • A Japanese-style ball handled joystick
  • 30 mm Buttons
  • Button placement matching  arcade configuration
  • Street Fighter X Tekken artwork
The vivid colors of the artwork immediately brings life and substance to the fightstick. Its a must have for gamers familar with both franchises.